Wednesday, April 7, 2010


In the Dominican Republic they have there own sources of media. It ranges from 7 service TV stations (1-state owned; 6 independent), 11 daily news papers (27 per 1000 people) and 131 radio stations (1-state owned; 130 independent).
As I research media in the Dominican I found out, much to my surprise, that they don't have government censorship. This is surprising to me because they seem like a country to me that is much like the United States so I would expect some censorship, but they have none. It is probably because most of their media is independently owned...Which can be a good and bad then. I think that they should have some censorship...What do you think?


  1. Censorship is a tough issue. To me, it depends on what is being censored. Censorship due to indecency, like we have here in the US, should exist on some level, though not nearly to the extent that it does here. Censhorship of opinion, etc. obviously has no place in a free society.

  2. You're correct in saying that. I do believe that censorship is a tough issue as well. I believe things should be censored for little children, but around 10 o'clock the government should allow things to go uncensored
